Excel Password Recovery Lastic
Tip: Also you could try to use online password recovery service Password-Find
Tip: Also you could try to use online password recovery service Password-Find
The easiest way to protect any MS Excel document from prying eyes is setting a password in the file saving dialog. But what if you cannot open the document you urgently need because you have lost of forgot your password? This is a fairly commonplace situation that plenty of people face daily. As a rule lots of time is wasted in attempts to pick a password. This, however, could be avoided if you have our Excel Password Recovery Lastic software! This program solves a common task – it cracks passwords set to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and workbooks.
The term “crack” usually means either recovering or resetting forgotten password from a document. The program easily cracks all types of MS Excel passwords and supports all major versions of Microsoft Excel. But the most interesting feature of Excel Password Recovery Lastic is cracking multiple documents at once! That is, you simply run a search that locates all password-protected documents in a specified folder, then you click the Crack button and find all passwords in those documents removed or recovered!
Excel Password Recovery Lastic can break a password of any length and complexity virtually instantly. This allows you to quickly regain access to documents protected with a password you have lost or forgot.
To recover an individual Excel password, you need to open a document (an Excel spreadsheet) in our password finder and click the Crack button on the toolbar. The program immediately hack all passwords in that document, connecting to the secure Password Cracking Server if needed, and shows all those passwords in the main window. That is, you need exactly two steps: open a document and crack it. After that you can easily copy the recovered password to clipboard and open your document in MS Excel.
Excel Password Recovery Lastic supports removing or recovering of a password to open, a password to modify, a workbook password, a shared workbook password, a password of individual worksheets, and a VBA project password.
Sometimes, reseting one password at a time is simply not enough. When you have many password protected documents you expect some way to crack all of them at once. Our Excel password cracker delivers 100% automatic Excel password recovery solution.
The smart search tool looks through your hard drive for any password-protected Excel documents, and includes them into the list. Then, you can crack all documents found this way at once, or unprotect excel documents one by one if you want.
Conveniently, the search continues in the background and doesn’t make you wait until it finishes before you can start working with documents.
And the documents you crack passwords in, are never actually changed. Instead, the program copies those documents and cracks the copies, not the originals, so the entire process is 100% secure.
Excel Password Recovery Lastic uses a unique system to reset passwords to open in Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 documents. The Password Server stores special cryptographic information that allows to find the appropriate excel key almost instantly. You don’t have to send the entire document to the server as this required in many other tools. In Excel Password Recovery Lastic only cryptographic data are sent to the server. These data are used to find the decryption key, and this excel key in its turn is used to decrypt the document and remove password from it.
Such technology has several advantages:
Hide Your Excel files using Folder Lastic – this is better than passwords
Password recovery programs offered on our website are designed for legal purposes. Recovering or resetting your own passwords is a legal operation. Though you should bear in mind that recovering other users’ passwords without their permission can be considered illegal in courts of many countries.
Your use of our password recovery software implies that you have the proper right or the permission from the data owner to access the concealed information. The PasswordLastic company is not responsible for any illegal use of this software.