Folder Lastic
Tip: Also you could try to use online password recovery service Password-Find
Tip: Also you could try to use online password recovery service Password-Find
Passwords have problems. When you have many it’s hard to remember them, and therefore you’re risking your crucial files if one of passwords slips out of your mind. Alternatives? The same password for all of your documents? Then in case of a force-majeure you will lose everything at once!
Write down passwords? Why not simply give those documents to anyone? Nevertheless, there is one more option – Folder Lastic. The program completely hides selected folders making them absolutely invisible for the operating system and all users.
Folder Lastic hides or reveals specified folders on command. No reboot is required. No changes are made to the file system. No weary wait. In a second, literally. A click, and all your important documents are hidden like they were never existed for anyone except you. Another click – and all of them are back. What can be simpler?
Even a good password can be hacked, stolen or jockeyed out with fishing or trojans. And that what really puts your files in danger. But there is another way to protect important documents, personal photos and operating data from unauthorized access. Just hide them! If a trespasser doesn’t know a document exists, he can’t steal it. This is exactly the kind of protection Folder Lastic offers.
Folder Lastic works with NTFS and FAT, and supports all OS starting from Windows XP. The size of protected folders does not matter, not do their quantity. Importantly, reboot in the safe mode or deleting Folder Lastic working folder will not help a malefactor to gain access to hidden documents. And in extreme cases you can even activate or deactivate protection from a remote computer!
By assigning hot keys, you can instantly open access to certain hidden documents. Four protection modes allows you to hide a folder, to lock access to it, or to make it read-only. Want to protect folders using certain wildcards? Sure thing! Give access to a folder for specific applications only? As you command! And the easy to use and straightforward interface of the program welcomes even users who aren’t pro in managing security settings of the OS.